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In atentia Presedintilor de cluburi sportiv columbofile

To the attention of Presidents of racing pigeon clubs

         Stimati Presedinti/ Dear Presidents,

La data de 10.07.2023 o delegatie a Federatiei Romane de Sport Columbofil, compusa din Presedinte Marian Stan, Vicepresedinte administrativ-organizatoric Jan Niculae, Vicepresedinte relatii internationale Huang Tianfeng, Vicepresedinte tehnic sportiv Ovidiu Cretu, s-a deplasat la Budapesta pentru o intalnire cu Presedintele F.C.I, Istvan Bardos, unde au purtat discutii si au depus documente oficiale in vederea afilierii F.R.S.C. la F.C.I., in conformitate cu Art.11 din Statutul F.C.I.

On 10.07.2023 a delegation of the Romanian Columbophile Sports Federation, composed of President Marian Stan, Administrative-Organizational Vice-President Jan Niculae, International Relations Vice-President Huang Tianfeng, Sports Technical Vice-President Ovidiu Cretu, traveled to Budapest for a meeting with the President of the F.C.I , Istvan Bardos, where they held discussions and submitted official documents for the F.R.S.C. affiliation. at F.C.I., in accordance with Art. 11 of the F.C.I. Statute.

Poza de la stanga la dreapta: Vicepresedinte relatii internationale Huang Tianfeng, Presedinte Marian Stan, Presedinte F.C.I. Istvan Bardos, Vicepresedinte administrativ-organizatoric Jan Niculae, Vicepresedinte tehnic sportiv Ovidiu Cretu.

Photo from left to right: , International Relations Vice-President Huang Tianfeng, President Marian Stan, President of the F.C.I. Istvan Bardos, Administrative-Organizational Vice-President Jan Niculae, Sports Technical Vice-President Ovidiu Cretu.

Cu stima/ Sincerely,

Presedinte/ President Marian STAN

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